How to get a covid passport as an international expat, vaccinated in Spain?
As Covid-19 still expanding so hard, many countries like Spain are still keeping some traveling restrictions such as covid passports.
Here in this article, we will inform you how to get a covid passport in several autonomous regions. But in general, you can go to:
- The general official application website of Ministerio de Sanidad: You need to use cl@ve or a digital certificate to access the service. You can follow the steps here.
- The nearest emergency centers (Center Atención Primaria) for information.
But in several autonomous regions, you can use other websites to apply for a covid passport.
1. In Catalonia
In Catalonia, there’s another platform where you can get your covid passport: La Meva Salut.
- You can change the language(Spanish, Catalan, Occitan/Aranese) by clicking on the three lines on the top left.
- If you haven’t got an account on this website, you can register by clicking on “solicitar el alta”(Graph 1). You can see the English translation of the form you need to fill in .
- As the instructions indicated, you will need to follow the remaining steps to complete the process. When you are registered on the website, you can click on “acceder” (Graph 1). You can use a digital certificate or the password of the system to enter your personal space.
- When you enter the system, click on ¨vacunas y certificado COVID UE¨ and complete the steps that follow.
2. In Madrid
Like Catalonia, Madrid also has its sanitary system, virtual tarjeta sanitaria. You can download the app from the google play store, App Store, App Gallery, and register. You need to have CIPA, a PIN, or a QR code to access the service.

3. In Valencia
If you reside in Valencia, you can go to the corona virus registro website, where you can see all the information about how to get a certificate on different devices and browsers.

4. Advice from Adeslas
The Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the most important issues that have influenced our lifestyles. In Adeslas, we understand your concerns on this topic, so we want to have you fully covered by offering you our medical insurance. With our insurance, you will be fully covered for the treatments of covid. This insurance is also a trustworthy option for visa/NIE applications with a guarantee for 100% approval of visa application
If you would like to know more about insurance options, check out one of these blogs below:
- Guide to private medical insurance in Spain
- Guide to Spanish private dental insurance
- Guide to accident insurance in Spain
- Guide to pet insurance in Spain
- Guide to home insurance in Spain
- Guide to business insurance in Spain
- Guide to The EU Covid certificate
[1] Welcome - CPS - La Meva Salut. (2021). Retrieved 2 December 2021, from https://lamevasalut.gencat.cat/es/web/cps/welcome?q=v
[2] Tarjeta Sanitaria. (2017). Retrieved 2 December 2021, from https://www.comunidad.madrid/servicios/salud/tarjeta-sanitaria
[3] Cita coronavirus registro - Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pública. (2021). Retrieved 2 December 2021, from https://coronavirusautotest.san.gva.es/cita-coronavirus-registro-es.html
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