When thinking about moving to a new country, one of the concerns many people have is whether they could own a new pet in the new country. This articl...
Spain, although known as a country that is very safe and has a high quality of life, it also is unfortunately famous for its widespread theft cases. ...
Are you an Australian Expat that wants to drive in Spain? Remember that since Australia is not an EU/EEA country, you can only drive with your Austra...
When it comes to driving, each country has its own rules. For American ex-pats that are going to live in Spain, be aware of the Spanish driving regul...
UPDATE: March 16 2023 UK and Spain Reach Driving License Exchange Agreement 1. After the transition period of Brexit, you need to obtain ...
What is education in Spain like? The Spanish education system consists of compulsory and non-compulsory education. It is like the educational system ...
For many expats that move to Spain with their families, education is an important factor to consider when choosing where to live. Therefore, it would...
If you want to open a business in Spain and you have already come up with an innovative idea, the next thing that you are going to need to do is to r...
After submitting your application to take the driving exams, you might be a little bit nervous but don’t worry! This article will discuss all t...
Cars have long been an indispensable part of our lives and learning to drive is also an indispensable skill in the modern world. Therefore: is it pos...
Are you a prospective tenant that wishes to rent a house in Spain but not sure about your legal rights? Are you a current tenant with problems and no...
For those that want to study or work in Spain, having a safe temporary home in a convenient location is very important. This article will guide you t...
Have you been renting a house for a long time and want to have your own home in Spain? Do you want to seize the opportunity and buy a house now befor...
For many people, the beautiful weather is the reason why they chose to reside in Spain. Apart from the pleasant sunshine and balanced temperature, Me...
Are you a foreigner and want to start a business in Spain? Do you have an innovative idea and want to start a business in Spain but are afraid of you...
Spain, a climate-friendly place, has always been favored by many overseas investors since it facilitates the immigration process by providing the gol...
After talking about the document application processes when the child is born, let’s now focus on how maternity leave works and the most i...
New birth registration is only the first step in acquiring legal identity for the new birth. There are other crucial documents available, which you n...
If you have a newborn baby, or you are planning to have a baby, this article is for you. As you can imagine, you need to go through several necessary...
Non-lucrative visa is another popular visa type among non-EU nationals that wish to reside in Spain because a non-lucrative visa does not require lar...
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